Our Programs:
Toddler Program (18 to 30 months) *Please note that 30 months is an approximate age. Toddlers will transition to the Junior Preschool classroom when there is an available space there for them. This means that a Toddler could remain in the Toddler program after turning two and a half years old (30 months) if there is no immediate availability in the Junior Preschool classroom.*
Toddlers are just starting to build their foundation for learning. We strive to make them feel comfortable, safe, happy and loved while they expand their horizons and learn about the world around them. Our theme-based programs let toddlers experiment with different materials, get actively involved with music, storytelling, puppets and enjoy his/her first experiences with arts and crafts. Our staff guide the toddlers through play-based learning, and encourage them to develop their social, physical and emotional skills through play and interaction with their peers.
Toddler activities include:
*Arts - painting, colouring, gluing, etc...
*Dramatic Play - doll centre, play kitchen, dress up centre, role-playing (firefighter, police officer, teacher, etc.), puppets.
*Music and expression - music appreciation, introduction to instruments, dance and singing.
*Theme-days - pyjama days, costume days
*Fine motor skill development - puzzles, peg boards, shape sort containers, proper holding of crayons.
*Physical development - outdoor play, ball play, riding toys, crawling tunnels, block play
Preschool and JK Program (30 Months to 5 Years) *Ages are approximate.*
Our daily program emphasizes that children learn through active involvement with different material, events and people. Jewish holidays and traditions, music lessons, computer-based activities and field trips are incorporated into the program along with a variety of themes and activities. The program integrates various cultures to accommodate children of different cultural backgrounds.
Activities include:
*Classroom-style learning - worksheets, math and language activities, basic science, critical thinking and problem solving.
*Arts - painting, drawing, crafts using various artistic materials, creative expression.
*Dramatic Play - doll centre, play kitchen, dress up centre, role-playing (firefighter, police officer, teacher, etc.), puppeteering, acting.
*Music and expression - music appreciation, introduction to instruments, dance and singing.
*Theme-days - pyjama days, costume days, backwards day, crazy hair day
*Fine motor skill development - printing, scissors/cutting, weaving, beading, sculpting.
*Physical development - sports, dance, creative movement.
Registration Information
Registration is ongoing throughout the year based on space availability.
Licensing Information
Our centre is licensed by the Ministry of Education. We comply with all the regulations set down by the Child Care and Early Years Act (2014). Our high standards are reflected in our staff, environment, programming and unique and progressive services.
Early Beginnings is enrolled in Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care program (CWELCC).
We receive funding from the Province of Ontario as well as the City of Ottawa.